Designing with Empathy

This weekend I had the pleasure of speaking at the inaugural edition of Open Source & Feelings. It was an amazing conference tackling some really hard topics. I received really great feedback from the audience on my “Designing with Empathy” talk and several asked for the transcript as they couldn’t take notes fast enough. So here is the talk broken out with what was on the slides as well as the script I tried to follow. The video is coming, and I will add that when available.

When I first pitched this talk, I was thinking it was about accessibility because that’s usually what I speak about. As I wrote it. And rewrote it. And rewrote it. It evolved into being something bigger, higher level, and more important than just accessibility. It became about thinking of others and building experiences that we can all be proud of.

Trigger Warning

Some slides contain content that may trigger motion sickness


Some of my slides contain motion that could make you feel ill. I’ll give you a warning before they occur.

Empathetic design makes badass users.

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