Author: Nat

  • Single Payer Healthcare

    Single Payer Healthcare

    I’m pretty lucky. I have a solid career and reliable income. I also have health insurance through my employer, unlike millions of other Americans. However, something happened this week that scared the hell out of me. I caught pneumonia.

  • Leaving home for a new adventure

    A little over four years ago I was in a tough spot. I didn’t have a job, my lease was up and I didn’t know what I was going to do. I had burned through my savings, charged up my credit cards and prepaid on a storage garage for three months, using up the last…

  • Learning to Let Go

    In the Beginning… For ten years I have been dealing with chronic pain in the form of daily, debilitating migraines. Unlike some people who get migraines every couple of months that may last a few hours to a few days, my migraines show up every. They come in swaths of anywhere from as few as…

  • Gluten Free Vegan Mac & Cheese

    One of my favorite dishes has always been Mac & Cheese. Growing up we’d have the classic Kraft box dinner on a regular basis, but I only ate homemade mac & cheese if we went to a family get together. One of my aunts made it with the crusty breadcrumb top, but hell if I…

  • Applesauce

    Nothing really goes better than Mac & Cheese than applesauce. One of my kids won’t eat the store bought stuff, but loves my homemade version so much they made a bet with me with applesauce every week as their prize. They won.

  • CSS Process and Workflow

    For the last month I have been trying to spend more time with improving my workflow in front end development. Then at work I got the opportunity to present my findings to my team. I put this little deck together on, which uses reveal.js to make pretty presentations. I spoke about two tools (Sass…

  • CodePaLOUsa: Day One

    What a fun day! There was a little confusion in the scheduling, but everything worked out well. It does appear some people interpreted the schedule to have me presenting the same thing twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. I was under the impression that I was presenting once all day. As…

  • CodePaLOUsa 2013

    This week is CodePaLOUsa in Louisville, Kentucky. I hear it is pronounced L-uh-villl, but maybe I'm wrong. I'll be on stage twice this weekend presenting "Turning the Titanic: Getting Large Enterprise to Think Mobile First" and doing a workshop on Thursday, "Bulding Great Web Experiences for All Users" with a focus on accessibility. You can…

  • Whole Wheat Pretzels

    When I was a kid growing up on the east coast we would travel to New York City and Philadelphia. Each time I would beg my parents to get one of the soft pretzels from the guys on the corner. Nothing was better as a kid, and they remain one of my favorite snacks to…

  • Whole Wheat Herb Bread

    This is my favorite bread. It rocks with any soup, chili or jambalaya dish that you put together. It also has the freedom to change up the spices and herbs to match what you like or the dish you are concocting. I make this with my breadmaker, but you could also do it by hand.…